Saturday, March 31, 2012

What to do when you fear dementia

Dementia is a kind of disease in which your mind stops working proper and thus you lose your memory. You start to forget things and understanding level is reduced. That is why it is essential to combat this disease. It is usually found in aged people. For better understanding of how to know if someone has dementia, you need to take fewer steps. You start to forget things, you cannot remember the little information even, and with the passage of time this problem increases and turns in to something worst. Whatever you say makes no sense often. You get involved in depression and certain type of fear and anger catches you soon. You keep feeling sad and often come in situation that start crying. All these act as the signals of dementia. Moreover, you even forget the things that you do on daily basis. You keep repeating the things that you already have done. In worst condition you even forget the people associated with your life. In such situation you must hurry to your doctors to be treated on time. So, save your life, acting immediately and following these signals to cure it, before it gets too late and you completely lose your brain.


san said...

clarifies the confusion and guides the reader well. keep it up :)

Liza said...

Very informative)

Anonymous said...

Being the patient of dementia i found it very helpful :)

Anonymous said...

Being the patient of dementia i found it very helpful :)

Anonymous said...

Cool dude:)

Emmy said...

Just love it)